Salsa - My first class !
Those are the lyrics of 'Hey magalena' , the OST of the movie - Dance with me. If anyone has seen that movie knows exacly what salsa is all about. Those graceful seductive moves performed on foot tapping numbers; it can be pretty alluring!
When asked by my cousin if I would like to learn the dance, my instant reply (very unlike me!) was 'yes' ! Soon i found myself in a medium sized room walled up with mirrors on all sides and a bunch of people chatting about. After customary hi's n hello's the class was called to order. I was asked to just see and follow, if possible. As music filled the room people formed groups and started moving in a synchronised and graceful manner, leaving me to just gape and move about as if i was a chicken caught in traffic while crossing the road!
What seemed like eons, the music finally stopped, and my grinning sister said the we will not be joining this group but a beginners one! Phew , i let out a sigh of relief and followed my sis to a corner of the room where few other people were waiting.
Pulkit, our instructor started explaining that salsa was basically a 4 beat dance comprising of 4 basic steps. You can watch this video below to see what its all about :
After an embarrasing half hour, (in which i realised that i have two left feet and wondered how on earth do i even walk!) i saved some face and picked up the first 3 basic steps!!!
I am still a long way before i stop looking like a clown, but I will keep practicing! I will also advice all you guys to give it a try, it's a lot of fun!
At the end of my first class I saw a small demo by a couple who both knew salsa and man it was B E A Utiful! Trust me this is one dance, you want to share with that someone special! So people who already have partners, get enrolled ! n others who do not have partners have all the more reason, coz u just might get lucky there ;) !