Monday, October 23, 2006

Social suicide

This topic was brought to my knowledge by a friend of mine, who knew someone who had committed suicide.I will not elaborate on that but it was the biggest shock to me, I was accustomed in reading such articles in the paper and never paid any heed to them, and never thought that I will ever meet a person who could do something like this. But my throat went dry and couldn't believe my ears when I heard the incident.

I did a little study over the net about this and the figures and reasons connected to the act were unbelievable. An article quoted that more than one lakh people take their own lives every year in India! The figure was mind boggling, upon reading more I found certain very strange things. One would think that these acts are committed out of sheer helplessness, possibly poverty or the lack of education. But astonishingly the highest rate of suicide in India is in its southern parts which boasts of almost cent % literacy and high per capita incomes, so then why?

It stated that the biggest reason is expectations, it could be from yourself but largely from the society. The same society or culture that has evolved over thousands of years...

Is this what it has evolved to that a person is not allowed to live peacefully and forced into leaving this world permanently. Human race is said to be the most advanced life form on the planet,but tell me have you ever seen a dog or any stray animal jumping of a building or killing itself? Funny as as the thought may seem, but it never ever happens. Then why are we the more advanced race, who cannot even handle to keep its own hands of its own neck.

This is the type of society we live in, and sadly this is the way its going to be. If we cannot even provide ourselves a reason to live how on earth are we going to help someone else?

Tell me is it more important to score 90 % in boards or is it so important to get a multimillion $ job? These are just parameters which have been set by the society and it gauges you on that, it doesn't care whether you are happy in whatever position you are in, it wont let you be you, and will never miss an opportunity to judge you even once. I am quite sure one wasnt born on the planet just to satisfy these so called norms, thats not the reason one lives for.
For more facts and figures visit : -

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


This probably is the most talked about topic in town, but at the same time no one dares to speak it outloud. It's still a taboo in our households. Some say this ensures that our cultural heritage is preserved. I would like to know how does not talking about a subject which is the basis of life preserve our moral values?? Not talking about it does not mean that it is not happening! Instead its creating the largest population of HIV-AIDS infected people in a single country.

Well am not trying to propagate sex here, and neither am I suggesting the practice of it as taboo. Over my years in college I have met many people who have had different views over this topic, but there was one thing common- everybody wanted to do it. Just that for some people their conscience didn't allow and for some others it wasn't a matter of conscience. One of my friends (Name withheld) actually used to encourage people in doing it, and many a times actually convince the strongest of characters into believing that sex wasn't bad! Kudos to his marketing skills!

I am differing from my point. Coming back to the topic of sex. Discussing the delicate issue that whether its right or wrong. On this I will state a very simple thing, "If the two people involved in the act are totally aware of the consequences and sure about their decision then they should not bother about others and what they will think !!"

Practice safe sex :)
-- This article is written by a virgin!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Breaking the shackles

Life begins and as you grow up, you develop dreams and like everyone even I did. I used to love looking at the stars and hoping one day I'll be between them , really wanted to be an astronaut. And as I grew my aspirations sometimes grew and sometimes they changed. At one point of time I really wanted to be a cricket or a football star! I guess till a certain age one does not see his career option or what he wants to be in terms of money (though being a cricket star would earned me pots of money!) , instead one sees what he wants to do. But as one grows up he starts to see things differently and slowly he becomes a part of the rat race. And even before one realizes that, its already too late. He or she is already burdened with so many responsibilities that it's impossible to get away.

Now when I look back at my life I realise that I am not so different , going through school and engineering and taking up a job in the software sector. I sit here all day in front of the computer and punch keys in the keyboard! ...Is this what life is about? I am not suggesting that I have a bad job, I am luckier than many to get a job like this. But at the end of the day it does not give me any satisfaction. And the worst part about this is that now my mind cannot branch out in any direction it wishes, because it has been stereotyped through the years to think in a defined manner which the society has preached. I no longer possess the imagination I had when I was a kid.

I just don't want to sit here and crib. Instead am hoping and trying to gain enough energy to cut across this defined path and drop the dogmas taught to me by society. I hope I am successful.

I also want to ask you all, whether you are all happy and satisfied in doing what you are? Or you are also hoping to break free? And if you are then what is stopping you? There is just one life and one is not just supposed to live it as a compromise or in a state where one is working for a better tomorrow and compromising the present. Just think what if that tomorrow never comes?